Schedule and Events

March 26-29, 2012, Software Test Professionals Conference, New Orleans
July, 14-15, 2012 - Test Coach Camp, San Jose, California
July, 16-18, 2012 - Conference for the Association for Software Testing (CAST 2012), San Jose, California
August 2012+ - At Liberty; available. Contact me by email:

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Technical Debt - VII

The technical debt series took me to an different place that I expected.

I have come to believe that, when it comes to Technical Debt, as an industry ... we have more questions than answers.

Sure, you can use the Nancy Reagan approach and "Just Say No", but the reality is that system factors impact behavior. The motivations to take the quick hack are immediate, positive, and certain, while the negative consequences are delayed and uncertain.

Imagine that you are a technical contributor, weighing your options, considering taking on technical debt. The negative factor is pain later for maintenance or bug fixes. But imagine what goes through your mind -

1) This code might never have to be touched again.
2) If we do have to touch it, I might not work here anymore.
3) If I do work here, we might be able to pass it off to the new guy!

That's a pretty weak negative incentive.

So saying "Just Don't Do It" is a little bit like telling the obese person to diet and exercise. It's technically correct, and yet it doesn't help much. The system factors are hard to beat, but not impossible. Weight Watchers does some amazing things.

How do they do it? Why by finding a way to measure weight and providing certain positive outcomes for success, and support for set backs.

So we need to find a way to quantify technical debt - a way to measure it. We need a way to communicate it to decision makers.

Personally, I believe that half the reason management is so hot to trot about taking shortcuts is that they are invisible. By not being able to measure the consequences of technical debt, technical contributors are doing management a disservice. (And who's choice should it be, anyway? If an administrator were to tell a doctor that he was washing his hands too much and wasn't billable enough, would he stop what he believed to be good sanitation habits?)

Like I said, more questions than answers.

So I have decided to create a completely free, non-profit peer workshop to discuss technical debt. It will probably be two work days long, held in West Michigan. Right now I am securing facilities in the middle August time frame. My co-organizer is Steve Poling; expect a call for participation around the middle of February.

This is not a presentation-style conference. Instead of coming to hear a half-dozen gurus tell you what to do using PowerPoint slides, we will start with a problem (and a bunch of questions) and collaboratively invent some proposed solutions. Then we'll try them and see how they work. The workshop will be by invitation or application only, and will be limited to 15 (at most 20) people.

If you have interest or ideas about the workshop, please feel free to leave a comment or drop me a line.

More to come.


Eric Willeke said...

I'm more than interested in being involved in your workshop. I've been following the technical debt concepts for several years, and have used it quite successfully as a guiding concept on several projects. The difficulties in quantifying debt have not escaped me, and I have thus far relied on qualitative measures (smells, for instance) for communication around the amplitude of a given technical debt. In my current role, I've successfully guided the team of developers to share their design trade offs in terms of what sort of debt we're accruing and how 'bad' it is.

I love the work you're doing on this!
-- Eric

Anonymous said...

I think this measure will bring them to light up everyones life. This is very interesting topic. It's best to know why things are the way they are before you try to pay down the debt.

Anonymous said...

The quality of the international
brands are very good when compared to our brands
to know more about products

loosy said...

Hi, This article is nice.So many people are does't know about this Technicle Debt.Although they have a good knowledge in any field,they did't start new organizations because of no investment.


Anonymous said...

Technical debt is an industry which develops large software component architectures.Its products are very good when compared to others products.
Good place to look forward


Unknown said...

Technical debt is a planning or execution of a software project, decision may be made to defer necessary work. It includes those internal things that you choose not do now, but which will impede future development if left undone.
good place to look forward ...

aylen said...

Your project is very interesting and i am involved in your work shop till now.You guided me a lot within 10 minutes.Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Its good topic for workshop, where so many people un ware about the technical debt. It's all about deals with the software cycle. From this workshop we can know how to save the time in a complete cycle.
good place to look forward..

Anonymous said...

It's good to have such workshop,we all can clarify our doubts.Technical debt gives information about software cycle..
good place to look forward

jamesp said...

When we are going to start any workshop. It is more important to know about Technical debt .We have choose Technical Debt carefully, Specially in a design approach that's expedient in the short term but that increases complexity and is more costly in the long term.
good place to look forward

Unknown said...

This is a nice article about technical debt.These types of debits will give the more knowledge on technical Skills.In workshop we will do our project practically.
good place to look forward

Anonymous said...

Iam intrested to work with you.During the planning or execution of a software project, decisions are made to defer necessary work.
good place to look forward

Unknown said...

Technical Debt is a wonderful metaphor.In this metaphor, doing things the quick and dirty way sets us up with a technical debt, which is similar to a financial debt.But by this we can't really see the true effect of our technical debt.

good place to look forward

peter123 said...

So many people don't know about the Technical Debt.This article gives the information about Technical Debt.Actually it is used in workshops for what things we can't do and what we can do.



good place to look forward


sacchi said...

"Technical Debt" is a place were we can share over views.By these types of debits,we will get the more knowledge on technical Skill. Before going for debt you should be aware of it.
good place to look forward

Anonymous said...

Technical debt is a place where we can share our doubts and clarify.People can easily guide us by sharing there knowledge.


good place to look forward


rusi said...

Hi, This article is nice.
Technical debt is an industry which develops large software component architectures.

Anonymous said...

Comparing to the our brands some of the international brands are good

Anonymous said...

This is a good article for everyone who works in a company.A technical debate makes oneself a bit confidence in executing their own projects.
good place to look forward

lovely2008 said...

So many people don't know about the Technical Debt.This article gives the information about Technical Debt.Actually it is used in workshops for what things we can't do and what we can do.
learn more

learn more

bush123 said...

Technical debt is an industry which develops large software component architectures.Its products are very good when compared to others products.

learn more

learn more

Anonymous said...

This is a attempt to be personally involved in expanding the software development body of understanding. And i agree with Matthew that he say's 3 points, and after all this conversation, finally we got a negative answer "Just Don't Do It".
good place to look forward

Anonymous said...

This is a nice article.This is very interesting.This is the best international brand compare to our brands



rajanbabu said...

The quality of the international
brands are very good when compared to our brands, This article is nice,especssialy because
Technical debt is an industry which develops large software component architectures.

jackselan said...


This is a nice article and i accept with it and i think if there is some more information it will help us ..



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T.Sudheer said...

it is very nice it is used to the
clarify the different doubts than this is used it is so nice



see the lot of information

sarah said...

Technical Dept is nothing but planning and execution of software company.I am interested in being involved in your workshop.But so many people not aware of this Techincal Dept.

frnkline said...

this is very interesting's best to know why things are the way they are before you try to pay down the debt.


suszen said...

International brand is very good than the ordinary brand. But many people don't know about the qualities simply they wast their money.




Anonymous said...

This article is very nice. Technical debt is place were we can share over views. Technical debt gives information about software cycle.




knowl said...

This is well known article in scientific efforts. This is a quite successfully as a guiding concept on several scientific terms.


maddy said...

Its nice to hear about this article. Some people may aware of it and some may not. But it is necessary to know about Technical Debt.




gordongreg said...

This is very nice article. The Quality of international brand is very good when compared to our brand. Some people have knowledge in any field, they didn't start organizations because of no investment.


Anonymous said...

The quality of the international
brands are very good when compared to our brands.Technical debt gives information about software cycle.Technical debt is a place where we can share our doubts and clarify.People can easily guide us by sharing there knowledge

silvester said...

It is a nice article about technical debt.Its products are very good.By these types of debits,we will get the more knowledge on technical skills.



Anonymous said...

It is a nice article about mechanically and technically debt. Now-a-days industries wanted Technical persons. These type debts are very useful in future.


Unknown said...

This website gives more creativity and designs.There is an equilibrium between the chaos and order.And we can create a good environment with this Chaos.

Anonymous said...

More industries are developed by Technical methods and technical debts. Technical debt gives information from software cycle. Technical debt is developed by Technical skills and knowledge.


jobs.steve5 said...

This topic is good for work shop this is very use full to us.
Technical debt is an industry it develops software component architectures. These type of company's are delivered products are very good when compared to others products.


peterheins said...

This is a attempt to be personally involved in expanding the software development body of understanding. And i agree with Matthew that he say's 3 points, and after all this conversation, finally we got a negative answer "Just Don't Do It".

sonyson said...

workshop. I've been following the technical debt concepts for several years, and have used it quite successfully as a guiding concept on several projects. The difficulties in quantifying debt have not escaped me, and I have thus far relied on qualitative measures (smells, for instance) for communication around the amplitude of a given technical debt. In my current role, I've successfully guided the team of developers to share their design trade offs in terms of what sort of ========================================================================sony

sadha said...

this ia a good article for everyone who works many peoples don't know about technical debt.this article gives a information.abouttechnical debt.actually it is used in workshopfor whatthings we con't do and what and we can do


Unknown said...

article is vety's good to have a great plan.technical debt is an industry which developes large software.



thompson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
thompson said...

This article is very nice.Technical debt developes software cycle.

harmi said...

Hi, This article is nice.Technical debt is an industry which develops large software component architectures.There is an equilibrium between the chaos and order.Technical debt developes software cycle.


bhupa said...

It is good to have such workshops. Peoples will get new ideas from one another.




bhupa said...

Nice article! Its good that we are having such type of workshops in our state. This is the reason we are always ahead of others.




bhupa said...

Good that we are having such workshop near our place. People can get aware about technically.




prathap said...

Technical debt is an industry develops large software component architectures. Your project is very interesting and I am involved in your work shop till now. You guided me a lot. Thank you for giving the information about the technical debt.




Unknown said...

It is a good article and this will helps you about technical debts.
The programmers get more knowledge on technical skills.


world info

parveen said...

After read this topic I feel that it is very interesting topic. There are so many people are they don’t know about this Technical Debt. If we are going to start any workshop. It is very important that to know about technical debt. I want to know some more information about technical debt.

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting topic. These products are very good if compared to others products.

ritu said...

Technical debt gives information about software cycle..Technical debt is a planning or execution of a software project.It is very important that to know about technical debt. I want to know some more information about technical debt.

Unknown said...

Technical debt is a planning or execution of a software project, decision may be made to defer necessary work. It includes those internal things that you choose not do now, but which will impede future development if left undone.

kitty mittal said...

This is very useful and interesing topic. This topic gives us many information about technical debt.

nikki said...

Technical debt id a planning of a software project made to defer necessary work. This is most important in our life. This topic is giving many information about technical debt.

priya said...

Technical debt indicates a software cycle.I want to get some information regarding this article.

Unknown said...

This article is good who people are working in a company everyone look this side because this article gives a information about technical dept.

Pawan Soni said...

If you compare local brand to international brand, you will find that quality of international brand would good. This site provides knowledge regarding technical debts. Everyone should have to know about technical debts.

Rahul said...


technical debt. where people can clear their doubt regarding there problem and doubt . before investing mony in any bussiness people have to aware abut the technical debt.


Rahul Kumar

Massachusetts Treatment Centers

sachin kumar said...

Hi This site is very nice. Technical debt is useful for people. So, many people is investing the money in technical debt.

sachin kumar
Massachusetts Treatment Centers

Unknown said...

It is an industry which develops large software architecture. It deals about the software cycle and it is very interesting.




Unknown said...

This blog is belonging to technical skills. Technical debt is software that we can search the quality of software.

ronaldo said...


This site is very useful and it includes more and more knowledge about the technical debt and it is very useful for the software developer and the persons who are belonging from the technical field.I also get lots of knowledge through this site.



Massachusetts Treatment Centers

Unknown said...

Technical debt is good site for those people who working and studing in software institution and worked also. Second thing This site is more effective those people who defeat our life like they doesn't do in our life. This site give a motivation and effort to every people.

sudhir dahiya
Massachusetts Treatment Centers

Anonymous said...

This article provides good knowledge about the Technical Debt. Some peoples don’t know about it. It tells all about the Software Cycle.




parveen said...

In this article describes about international brand and our brand. We know simply that international brand is very good brand in quality comparison of our brand. People have got new ideas form this site.

Anonymous said...

This article is really nice. It gives information all about the Technical Debt. It is about planning and execution of software.




Unknown said...

Good knowledge about Tecnical Debt is given in this aricle i think it will be useful for everyone

Unknown said...

Technical Debt is an industry, we have more questions than answers.
We can find new things in this Technical Debt. Take the righht chance

sonyson said...

yes you are apsallutey right.can you give me more infor mation

juli said...

This article is very intersting .By following the technical debt concepts we can success in projects.



bhanu said...

Technical debts can be cleard by this discussion . Bettet to post the debts that are discussed in the discussion as they r permitting only 15 members to attend.This gives clear awarness about technical debts.

Unknown said...

Technical Debt is one of the best solution to increase work efficiency. It helps to give all information about new software projects. It would also be very helpful in upcoming days. Especially it will even be used in all workshops, small stores etc.



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Unknown said...

i think it is good article and also it is useful to develo technical skills.

Anonymous said...

i think this site helps the viewers a lot to know more about to design their trades.


Unknown said...

It's a good technical doughts It's good to have such workshop,we all can clarify our doubts.Technical debt gives information about software cycle..