Schedule and Events

March 26-29, 2012, Software Test Professionals Conference, New Orleans
July, 14-15, 2012 - Test Coach Camp, San Jose, California
July, 16-18, 2012 - Conference for the Association for Software Testing (CAST 2012), San Jose, California
August 2012+ - At Liberty; available. Contact me by email:

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Bacon-Driven Development!

As most folks know, I am increasingly disappointed in X-Driven-Y. Test Driven Development, the Original X-Driven-Y, was an actual thing that you could do, measure, and see positive results in. I *love* TDD.

Sometime after TDD we saw "Acceptance Test Driven Development", "Behavior Driven Development", "Responsibility Driven Design", "User Story Driven Development" ... the list goes on.

It seems to me that with each new X-Driven-Y we dilute the value of the concept, just like we did with the word "Extreme" in the late 1990's.

So, I am happy to report, at least someone is doing something interesting with it.

Sean McMillan, the founder of Bacon Driven Methods, just put up a blog site on the subject: Bacon Driven Coding. With any luck, BDC will attract the following it truly deserves and will be able to develop a Bacon-Driven Body of Knowledge (BDBOK) that can serve the world's bacon-driven needs.

One thing Sean hasn't addressed yet is adoption and buy-in, especially from senior management. Personally, I've found the best approach is to simply eat the bacon yourself, show some results, and get others to eat Bacon. I honestly have not seen much success with Top-Down implementations of BCD; BCD seems to defy such traditional command-and-control methods.

For those of you skeptical about BDC, I understand. But let me ask you - seriously - have you tried it? If you've been critical about BDC without trying it, I would encourage you to give it a shot.


Ben Simo said...

Bacon, then code is a very foreign concept to most employers. Most are used to code, then bring home the bacon. :)

Is there an alternative for those that don't eat pork? Tofu-Driven Development just doesn't seem as good.

Now that I've have my bacon (in a sandwich with turkey, tomato, cucumber, and onions), I'm ready to do some development. I expect it to work better than hunger-driven development.

Ben Simo

Michael Bolton said...

Francis Bacon? Roger Bacon?

---Michael B.